
Stupid Corporate Websites

For a lark, I decided to head over to DEWmocracy.com to vote on the new Moutain Dew flavor. And I can't. Why? Because the stupid corporate website (which is Flash "disabled"--but that's yet another rant) doesn't work. There's no entry field for birthdate and the submit button fails.

Obviously, no one tested this site. At least not completely. Maybe they tested their "connect via Facebook" option. I wouldn't know because I won't do Facebook.

The world wide web became a publicly available resource in 1991; the dot com boom has gone bust. It's about time that corporate web designers do basic sanity tests on their websites.

Ah who am I kidding? Websites are seen as part of a company's marketing presence. Which means corporate websites are all about image, not substance. Who cares if it works as long as it looks good.


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