
First Post - Saying "NO" to Facebook

For years I had a real website--with a real domain and everything. But then RealLife(tm) happened and I didn't update for a long time. When the hosted copy got trashed, I gave up my domain (pennwald.net) and spent my time in other pursuits.

Fast forward to 2009 and my son is trying to get me onto Facebook. Which I resist--vehmently. Not because I don't want to keep up with my family, but because I object to Facebook on principle.
  1. I am concerned about personal privacy and ownership of my data.
  2. I am less than thrilled with Facebook's flat "friend" model.
  3. Facebook is a virtual black hole--and I already have plenty of other time-wasters to choose from.
So, after much consideration, I've finally decided to go with the blog format to keep my friends and family up to date with what I'm doing. Plus, it will serve as a forum for my rants and ramblings on a multitude of topics, hence the title, "Barthel's Blather Blog".

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